Smedi Gabon Santé


station-services et hôtel Orchidée, 262, avenue Georges Damas Aleka Quartier Glass, en face, Libreville, Gabon


Smedi Gabon Santé is a group of medical establishments offering a wide range of top of the range services and which reflects a strong dynamic of development from year to year. Smedi Gabon Santé has ​​positioned itself since 2014 among the pioneers of private health establishments in Gabon, and plans to consolidate its position and reputation through the continuous deployment of new medical structures in order to reach more and more disciplines and cover more parts of the country.

Clinical services

Gastroenterology, Gynecology, Neonatology, Nephrology, Obstetrics, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Pediatrics

Diagnostic services

Hemodialysis, Ultrasound

Auxiliary services

Diet, Psychology

Surgical services

General Surgery

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